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Mensajes : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 20/08/2020
Edad : 41

One of the very special and beautiful birds Peacock Empty One of the very special and beautiful birds Peacock

Lun Sep 14, 2020 10:49 am
The Peacock

We all know the peacock. These huge proud birds have something to be proud of. Their tail is huge, wide, and full of colors. This is often blue and green but can deviate from this. This is also why they are so famous - that beautiful tail. The tail can be very small, but they are only too happy to show their tail. If they make their tail bigger, the tail is bigger than half the size of the peacock itself! The peacock is also known for having a special eye color. You can find red, gold, blue also other colors. Peacocks are very special and beautiful birds.

See More Images about The Peacock here in One of the very special and beautiful birds Peacock
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